Wednesday, July 15, 2009

SMART Board Level 1 Training

* Training broken down to 12 weeks for quality
* 30-minute sessions with focus on 1 content area
* Many hands-on sessions for practice
* SMART Technologies officially prepared binder
* Official certificate upon completion
* Plenty of time to practice in your classroom
Please take advantage of this free training as it usually costs at least $90 for outsiders to attend. Mark the dates on your calendar and sign up in room 31 or in the SMART center.

Time and Place

Tuesdays / Wednesdays 5:30-6pm in room 47
Wednesdays 11:45-12:15 in room 27

*You do not get paid for attending these workshops
** All sessions are the same, just offered at 3 different times for your convenience!

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