Monday, March 8, 2010

Want to Eat?

Just in case you've been away in a cave somewhere, here's a news flash:

There is a recession going on.

Education is in crisis.

The Adult School - and all public schools - are in real danger.

That means your job is in danger.

It's a time of flux and we need to be in touch with what is happening and doing our part to direct the inevitable changes in a positive direction.

There are several ways we, as teachers, can do that:

1. Read the Budget Information and Update posted on the District Website.
Go to and scroll down to
Budget Information and Update. Click on Budget Information and Update - Superintendent's Letter. Read the letter. Check back for future updates.

2. Everyone in the district, including you, now has district email. If you need help understanding this, talk to James Wu. You can leave a note in this box or email him at You can have your district email sent to the email address you normally use so that you don't have to check an extra email inbox. If you need help doing that, talk to James.

3. Read the emails you receive via District email. Our new superintendent Scott Laurence is making a real effort to keep us informed of what is going on. Read the information that he and other District administrators and staff members send us.

4. Keep informed - read this blog, check the white board at school, read your email. Both Adult School and District administrators are working hard to keep us informed of what is going on. When you are engaged in a crisis, it is extra work to describe that crisis to others. Admin is trying to do just that. Do your part and take in what they are telling us.

5. Talk to Mr T or Tim or Fred and ask them for suggestions as to what you can do, on your own, with other teachers, or with your students, to address the current crisis.

6. If you are a Union member, or if you aren't, talk to Union President Lisa Sparks, about what you can do. You can leave a note in her box or email her at

7. I will post information on all the blogs about a letter writing campaign. Write letters and encourage your friends, family, and students to do the same.

8. If you know of students who have been helped by our school, ask them to share their story. Let Mr. T, Tim, Fred, and myself know about their stories. I can post them on the SMACE Success blog.
You can contact me by email at

9. Show your students the SMACE Success blog - and the other blogs, as well. Turn your SMART Board on when you come into class and put one of the blogs on it so that as students walk into the room, they can see we have this source of information available to them and read what is posted on it. If you have items to share on any of the blogs, let me know and I will post the information.

10. No one can do everything but everyone can do something. Think about what you, personally, can contribute to this effort. Talk to others about that. Find out how to make that happen. And then do it.

Finally, a personal request from myself - Teacher Cynthia Eagleton. If you can't be bothered with any of this, don't complain about job loss, fewer classes, or pretty much anything else. Or maybe more accurately: You can complain - but I, for one, will not listen to you. I am sure others will feel the same way.

Be honest: How many times have you thought that your students did not do what they obviously needed to do in order to make their lives easier and better? How many times have you watched them avoid doing what would make a real and positive difference in their lives? And wondered why they didn't take action to help themselves?

We are no different from our students. We struggle just like they do and as with our students, pushing ourselves to take positive action will make a positive difference in our lives.

If you want to eat, you've got to grind the wheat - and now is the time to get to grindin'.

Will you?

And how?


Anonymous said...

Hmm that's amazing but actually i have a hard time visualizing it... wonder what others have to say..

Lisa S. said...

@ Anonymous poster: What about what was said is difficult to visualize? It's simple really and to me seems direct, and well articulated. (thank you Cynthia) Write a letter. Get others to do the same. Speak at a school board meeting. Call your Legislators. Info is or will be posted soon. We've been going through this crisis for nearly 2 years now so the verbage/goal/message should be clear. If it isn't, talk to an administrator, union rep. or other teachers. Be an advocate and don't be complacent. If it still isn't clear and you'd like to help, I'd be happy to meet with you.

Lisa S. said...

Senator Leland Yee
400 South El Camino Real, Suite 630
San Mateo, CA 94402
Phone: 650 – 340 – 8840

Assemblymember Jerry Hill
1528 South El Camino Real, Suite 302
San Mateo, CA 94402
Phone: 650 – 341 – 4676