Friday, December 5, 2008

How Are Your Numbers?

Reading over the PLC list of what would be in a "Ideal San Mateo Adult School World," I noticed that community outreach was amongst the many good things listed.

Well, I'm out there doing that now.

(The "I" being me, Cynthia Eagleton.)

What does that mean for you?

If your class numbers are low and you think your class needs promoting, I might be able to help.

What do I do, exactly?

I try to get the word out about the Adult School and our many, fine classes.

I've created brochures - in English, Spanish, Chinese. (Thank you, Mary Weng and James Wu, for translation help!)

I've created newsletters (in English and Spanish) for parents and business owners.

I go around and talk to folks in the community and tell them about our fantastic classes.

I visit Latino Parents meetings at Middle Schools and High Schools and tell parents about fantabulous programs.

I contact Chambers of Commerce and other groups, agencies, etc. to let them know about our very helpful classes and resources.

I make flyers about classes. Great classes - like yours.

I've made a powerpoint presentation about the school - available in both English and Spanish. It's in the Teacher Share folder if you would like to show it to your class. Sometimes students don't know about all the programs we have available.

My latest project idea: Student Ambassadors.

Student ambassadors are students who know how to learn and succeed and can teach others how to do so. Role models in action, they can share from their strength, knowledge, and experience. They might be available to speak to a class or to the community. They will be rewarded with certificates of appreciation, letters of reference, and possibly a thank you event of some kind. (Coffee and donuts, maybe?)

Very importantly: these folks can tell us - teachers and staff - how and why they have succeeded and can share what they know about the communities they come from and how we can best connect with them.

I'll be working more on this project idea in the New Year.

Right now I'm working on a new newsletter for parents.

What can you do for me? (And yourself? And the school? And the students?)

You can tell me about students you know of who might be good Student Ambassadors.

You can tell me if your class needs promoting.

You can share with me any ideas you have about outreach, the community, events where we can provide info about our programs, etc.

You can pick up some flyers or brochures or newsletters and share them as you go about your normal business in the community. Example: you're visiting a local school or library or laundromat. Would dropping off a flyer there be helpful? Take one with you!

(Note to self: make an easy way for teachers and staff to pick up this information. I will create that in Room 28 and make it easy to see, etc.)

And finally, you can tell your students about the many programs and classes we have. Many students don't know about or really understand Distance Learning, Online Writing, GED classes, Saturday classes, Medical English, ESL singing, Building Futures, Fifty Plus, etc.

For example, an ESL who is fifty two years old, might not know they can go to Fifty Plus exercise class (which is free!) and learn Tai Chi or Pilates and in the process of doing that, practice their English in a "natural" setting.

You can let your students know about all the classes we have which might benefit them. (That's where that powerpoint comes in. Pictures are a great way to make ideas real. Yes, that could be you painting, learning yoga, or becoming a childcare provider.)

You can tell your students about the new school blogs that are just for them and encourage them to read them.

What is my philosophy?

Okay, maybe you didn't want to know that but being a philosophical person, I'll share, anyway. ;-)

I see my job as being a connector between the school and the community.

We're providing a service to the community. In order to serve well, we need to know whom we're serving and what they need. I'm always working to better understand what people want and need from us in terms of ESL classes, job skills classes, etc. I relay that information back to Fred.

I'm also always working to try to let folks what we have which might meet their needs.

And very importantly, I try to mull over and learn more about retention and persistence. What stops people from coming to school? What gets them to come back? What helps people to take a risk? (And learning something new IS a risk!) What gives the people the courage to put themselves out there, inconvenience themselves, look foolish, and risk failure?

Food, family, and friendship - I can tell you those things for sure work to pull people forward into something new. And I think our school does a great job of operating with that truth in mind.

Pride - that's something I've realized is important. We're not teaching blank slates. We're teaching smart, strong folks who know a lot about a lot. Recognizing that our students have much to teach and share and providing them with the forums to do so is important. It's also a good motivation for folks to come to class.

Help your students to share of some their skills, strengths and knowledge on the student blog.

And send them to me with their many great ideas so I can use them in outreach!

Where can you or they or anyone else find me?

I'm in Room 28 on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

And I'm always available by email:

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