As I'm finding information about school garden grants and other good things, I'm adding them to the Community Garden folder in the Teacher Share folder.
I've been thinking: We can pull in community volunteers to work with us. They could:
1. Teach the students about plants, gardening, sustainable agriculture, the community, local history, perhaps share about new green economy jobs, etc. (Half Moon Bay has some sustainable ag, for example.)
2. Give the students a chance to practice English conversation in a natural and supportive setting.
It would also be a good way to build up good feeling between the school and the community, our students and local residents, etc.
Note: I talk about the community as if it is "separate" from our school and students when in fact, our school and students are a part of the community. But I'm guessing you get my idea here.
As I'm doing my ESL Outreach work, I'm keeping our garden in mind and looking for connections, help, opportunities, etc. I have a good lead on one and will share if it comes through.
I know that many teachers and staff members (and students!) also have great information, resources, knowledge, and leads to share. Maybe we can share all that through the Community Garden folder in the Teacher Share area.
Also: if anyone wants cuttings from my Mexican Sage plants or scented geraniums (pelargoniums), let me know. Mexican sage is wonderful for hummingbirds and bees - both excellent pollinators. I also have tons and tons of Dutch iris which is not edible but awfully pretty. I'm happy to dig up bulbs to share anytime. (Aleth and Patricia both took some in the past and can attest to their hardiness.) I also have a large compost pile and very big earthworms. I can bring in a few buckets of compost if anyone wants that and/or earthworms. (Note: it's easiest to bring in the worms after the rains have started.)
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